Afraid of my boss

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My boss has a history of losing his temper with his kids. He will be fine one minute and then he will completely lose control and be screaming at the top of his lungs and cussing them out.

In the past, this was always him yelling at them over the phone. Recently, he has started bringing his older son in to work at the company. (My boss is the sole proprietor of a small LLC.) The problem is that his son often does a poor job and my boss ends up angry at him. This means that at any time when his son is at the office, he might suddenly start yelling and screaming at him. This has happened 3-4 times in the past month (out of possibly 5-6 times of his son coming in to work) with yesterday being much worse than usual. He yelled at his son for about 20-30 minutes very loudly. He was cussing at him and kept saying what a mistake it was to have him doing the work. This happened close to the end of the day yesterday. He then took his son somewhere and came back to the office a few minutes before we closed. He continued to be very angry and hostile toward my coworker and me, although he didn't directly yell at either of us. I had hoped that this would mean that his son would not be coming in to work anymore, but he was back here this morning.

I am not being directly yelled at, but I am afraid for my physical safety. My boss has a concealed weapons permit and I have heard him joke about using his gun if people intimidate him or upset him. Also, the reason his 15 year old son is able to come and work during the day is that he was expelled from school for repeatedly threatening to kill one of his teachers. (My boss openly told another employee about this.) He is very scary when he gets like this. There is only one other employee who witnesses these behaviors (there are three other employees, but they all work outside the office) and both of us are afraid and intimidated.

If it weren't for the current state of the economy, I would probably just quit and find a new job. However, I am afraid that I would end up unemployed for some length of time. I don't know what to do, but I don't know if I can safely stay working for this company. I couldn't relax at all last night, and I slept very fitfully. Even if he doesn't ever assault me, I am afraid that this stress is severely affecting my health.
Your basic choices are:

Find another job or, develop a much thicker skin.

Being a jerk isn't illegal, I'm afraid.
I'll add a third choice. Be upfront and discuss this with your boss. This most likely will lead to one of two outcomes:

1) A better working envioronment and relationship with your boss


2) Confirmation that you need to find a new job soon
I will pipe up now....and this will take a detour from "just" the employment side of things. Your boss is verbally abusing his son, in the work place. His son was expelled from school due to threats made about weapons. I would guess that the child's behavior may be linked to an abusive "home" enviornment for the child. If your boss treats his son this way at work, imagine what happens when they are at home.

There are a lot of issues, it seems, at play in this scenario, and you are in the middle of a very bad situation for the son's well being and your continued employment, just for being caught in a very bad situation, through no fault of your own.

I have no advice other then to agree with you. As far as any employment law issues, I don't see any, but I am not an attorney to be able to offer legal advice, just my opinion.
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