Alcohol & Drugs: MIP, MIC, Intoxication After Hours Drinking in NC

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New Member
I was recently cited for consuming a malt beverage between the hours of 2:30 am-7 am (after hours). The only violation I have on my record (if it's still on there) is a seatbelt violation in MI from the old college days - probably 12-14 years ago. I was one of five people that were cited that evening (morning) - three others for consuming and the bartender for selling after hours. I have heard that a typical judge (Durham) will tend to go with the ALE officer's observation and that I would most likely be found guilty. So that leaves me with a few questions: 1) What is the likelihood I have a case to be found "not guilty" and 2) Is it possible to use a Prayer for Judgement Continuance (PJC) in this case? If a PJC is possible, what are the benefits vs. negatives? THank you for any assistance you can provide in this matter.
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