after NJ mediation am in arbitation with same mediator. violation of Minkowitz v. israeli

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New Member
New Jersey
Hi I'm in arbitration with a mediator who has hate me since mediation. i don't know what my ex said to him in private, but obviously i could not defend it. i had no idea there was the minkowitz v israeli law that a mediator CANNOT serve as arbitrator without a proper waiver.

my lawyer knew how much i wanted to get away from this arbitrator and never told me about it.
for his consent order for arbitraion his draft stated "never acted in any capacity other than arbitrator" my idiot lawyer corrected it --not to use it as an out to get away from him, but to correct it to state
all issues have been tried at medation and failed and are now going to arbitratin. but that ws false at the time of signing. the laweyrs and judge who signed all knew that was false when they signed it. (i.e. he wanted a fast signing of his consent order for arbitraiton and scope of arbitration in order to rule on an in limne motion to dimiss all my child support chasing becasue i recently made more $ than my ex. but mediation stopped in 4/2015. it could not POSSIBLY have had an in limne motion based on my 2016 income under mediation. doens't that void the contract?

also and separtely the consent order orders me to mediation for child suport and tie out. but the judge has expanded to to include a long ago law suit settlment with a charging lien on it, and that was never previously mediated nor was the in limne motion. how to i rule to get it dismissed?

also i jsut received 1500 pages proving the hidden trusts and millions of dollars i knew were there were there. i'm finanally able o prove it but arbitration on child support is 14 days away,and i can't possibly process 1500 pages? how do i ask for an afjournment based on material new evidence?

finally, how to i make a motion to the real family law court and not this arbitrator to adjourn or deny these arbitration hearings for 1) my ex's failure to disclose milllions in trusts that he actually denied existing to the court
2) the minkowitz law was never explained to me and the half assed incorrect excuse for what they see as a waiver was false data. when signed by the two lawyers and judge. am now pro se
also i jsut received 1500 pages proving the hidden trusts and millions of dollars i knew were there were there. i'm finanally able o prove it but arbitration on child support is 14 days away,and i can't possibly process 1500 pages? how do i ask for an afjournment based on material new evidence?

finally, how to i make a motion to the real family law court and not this arbitrator to adjourn or deny these arbitration hearings for 1) my ex's failure to disclose milllions in trusts that he actually denied existing to the court
2) the minkowitz law was never explained to me and the half assed incorrect excuse for what they see as a waiver was false data. when signed by the two lawyers and judge. am now pro se

You need a lawyer.

No one can help you with your complex legal issues.

Not because people don't want to help, it's just that these types of sites were created for minor things.

Think about WebMD, for a second.
You go there, search your symptoms, ask a few questions, but you can't get treated there, nor do you receive a diagnosis.

You might walk away with you potentially have cancer, but you're told to seek real medical help.

That's all we can do, not because we're mean, or we don't care.

Because that's all anyone can do is suggest you hire a lawyer.

As with most things in life, if you can't afford to buy it, you learn to live without.

Lawyers will never end up doing what physicians did, and getting deep into insurance paid legal care.

Sure, there a few legal insurance companies, but all those lawyers tend to do for complex matters, talk to you, advise you to see a lawyer.

You might get a discount for in program lawyers, but you won't be served for free.

The only time the state will give you a lawyer is when your life or liberty is at risk as a criminal defendant.
i just want to know how to file an in arbitration motion for adjournment based on 1500 pages of material evidence to prove my case 14 days before trial. is there an official motion for this delay of trial request
i just want to know how to file an in arbitration motion for adjournment based on 1500 pages of material evidence to prove my case 14 days before trial. is there an official motion for this delay of trial request

Last time, hire yourself a lawyer, or prepare yourself for something you're dreading.
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