May 2, 2008 #1 P paul614 New Member i am 20 years old and i was told that i was to young to hold that type of job . i am qulified for this
i am 20 years old and i was told that i was to young to hold that type of job . i am qulified for this
May 3, 2008 #2 cbg Super Moderator That is not illegal age discrimination under Federal law. What state are you in?
May 3, 2008 #4 cbg Super Moderator You're out of luck. Under Federal law, Illinois law, and Indiana law, if you are under 40, by definition it is not age discrimination.
You're out of luck. Under Federal law, Illinois law, and Indiana law, if you are under 40, by definition it is not age discrimination.
May 5, 2008 #5 P paul614 New Member thank you for all your time i thought that it was but wanted to ask first