Agreement to Occupy Prior to Close of Escrow

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New Member
State: AZ

We have tentatively sold our house and have entered into this agreement where the buyers will live in the house until it is officially sold. I have put this post here because one of the first statements in the agreement says "The Landlord/ Tenant las of Arizona shall not apply."

Now my question is; part of the cooling system needed to be replaced/fixed, the buyers asked us to pay for it, but I think that per the agreement they are financially responsible for this repair (and all others as well?).

Here is some of the wording from the agreement (which was signed by both the buyer and the seller):
"Buyer hereby acknowledges he has inspected the condition of the premises including but not limited to heating and cooling equipment, plumbing, electrical, roof and other physical conditions of the property, personal property included in the sale, if any, and further acknowledges that he is taking possession of the property in "AS IS" and "WHERE IS" condition. Any exemptions must be noted at this time or Seller assumes no responsibility. Any faults or defects discovered after the signing of this agreement, or rising during the tenure thereof, are the sole responsibility of the Buyer. ..."

"Buyer shall maintain all mechanical and electrical systems... in normal working order... during the term of this agreement"
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