Alimony for Girlfriend

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My dad and his girlfriend have been together for 6 years. They recently broke up and he told her he would give her $1000 a month for 3 months to help her get a place of her own.

My sister said he might not want to do that because by giving her any money he might then be legally obligated to continue giving her money past the agreed upon 3 months.

This sound ridiculous to me, but I am not a lawyer (neither is she for that matter)

Any thoughts?
That is ridiculous. The $3000 is a very kind gift; nothing more. He won't be obligated to pay anything after the three months. It is very nice of him to pay anything at all.
Dad does not have to pay anything, not a dime. If he gives her anything, he should just give her the 3k up front and wish her a nice life.
He would never have to pay her "alimony" in the first place, considering they were not married. Most people would refer to the payments to her as "palimony" but that's technically not a legal term. Family courts have no jurisdiction over what would be a "non-marital relationship contract" Either way, I just realized as I was typing away this post is pretty old, so HOPEFULLY he hasn't had to pay her a dime more than the 3k. Your Dad is a very generous guy.
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