alimony/maintenance, please help

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:mad: :confused: When my husband divorced his last wife, he said he would make her house payment, because it was a business loan he and his ex mother in law did together( to start up a trucking business). He later did a bankruptcy and everything was discharged, 5 months later his ex wife and her mother took him back to court, the district judge decided it would not be a burden on us, so he was ordered to pay it until the loan was liquidated, our problem is this: We hired an attorney here in Utah to find out exactly what the payoff is so we can get it taken care of, the bank where this loan supposedly exists has been subpoened 3 times and have refused to respond. the ex has had his paycheck garnished to pay back house payments and her lawyer fees. We have run into a brick wall,and it's costing way too much money, no one seems to help us. What can we do? She is making a lot more money than we are, between us, social security and what she is getting on welfare (utah) she is getting close to $3000.00 per month. PLEASE HELP.
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