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Hi, My mother has been divorced for 11 years. In her divorce she was awarded alimony. My father later claimed he was on disability. He never paid her a single cent. He owns his own company for 25 years. We have been to many lawyers (each 500$ retainer) The last lawyer told us to get a private investigater to take pics of his house cars and him working. I dont understand why we have to do all that. He has an income from the company he ownes, it is also attatched to his home (the company) His home is in his wifes name, whio is employed by his company. The divorce says he is to pay a certain amount, why cant a judge just bring it to the court and put a judgement against him, or start garnishing his wages. It is only 150 a wk, he makes way enough to afford that. 11 yrs not one payment. What do we do? Also other lawyers have sent him letters for him to fill out I guess to see how much he makes and stuff like that but he just does not repond and thats where the lawyers left it. My dad is very cunning and will do anything not to pay because his moddo is "I dont pay where I dont stay" He now is 62 and has two more children and new wife. I think he can afford the alimony that is in the divorce. Please, any advice on how to get the alimony would be greatly appretiated.
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If he is self employed, itis not that easy. He is likely hiding income and assets. Does he have anything in someone else's name? I wonder why a court has at least, not held him in contempt? I do believe he can still face jail time for no not paying. Does he have any bank accts in his name?
I am sure he does. His company account has to be signed by him and his partner. I f I get a new lawyer what do I do and how do I do it. I know alot of things are in his wifes name. But what about the company income, isnt that his.
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