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I was ordered to pay alimony to my former spouse. She has worked for a good share of our marriage. She didn't need this money but was awarded it anyway. She was the one that left the marriage for another man. I would like to get this off my back and get on with my life.

It's time to take this discretionary power away from the court and select jurys of our peers to decide alimony awards.
did you have an attorney when you divorced? How long were you ordered to pay alimony for? how long were you married?

You will probably need an attorney to get this re-examined.
Duranie said:
did you have an attorney when you divorced? How long were you ordered to pay alimony for? how long were you married?

You will probably need an attorney to get this re-examined.

1) Yes.
2)14 years
3)is this just informational, or is the duration of the marriage is a factor when Ex is capable of supporting themself? Alimony is not supposed to be punitive.
4) Yes I know an attorney is needed for re-examination, but I believe it should not have happened to begin with...I also believe that alimony is causing a big stir in this country with some women having to pay it now as men have done for's a matter of time before it's gone...not that will do me any life is ruined
koiman said:
1) Yes.
2)14 years
3)is this just informational, or is the duration of the marriage is a factor when Ex is capable of supporting themself? Alimony is not supposed to be punitive.
4) Yes I know an attorney is needed for re-examination, but I believe it should not have happened to begin with...I also believe that alimony is causing a big stir in this country with some women having to pay it now as men have done for's a matter of time before it's gone...not that will do me any life is ruined

"consequences for non-payment" has 17 replies...i see minimal replies to other post just as important in my opinion...what gives??
If you did not agree with her being awarded it then you should not have signed off on the divorce. You just cannot decide after the fact you do not want to pay it.

You will probably need an attorney to have this re-examined.
Duranie said:
If you did not agree with her being awarded it then you should not have signed off on the divorce. You just cannot decide after the fact you do not want to pay it.

You will probably need an attorney to have this re-examined.

I was "ORDERED" to pay alimony. You assume I signed off on the divorce, however, that's not true. The judge rendered his orders and that was that. I didn't agree with, accept or sign any of his orders in the decree or anywhere else, but I have to obey them.

Before you ask if I appealed the judgement, the answer is no. You will not get anywhere appealling a judge's "discrectionary" orders.

As I said in my orginal post, we need to get rid of alimony all together, or, if we keep it, take it out of one man's "opinion" and let a jury decide.

This is ruining so many lives for no reason what-so-ever. It's vindictive and punitive.

You won't find many men in favor of keeping alimony at all. Only women will want to keep alimony for obvious reasons, except the extremely rare few who have to pay it.
So what do you want us to tell you? If the judge ordered it then you have to pay it. If not then get a good attorney to have alimony discontinued.
Duranie said:
So what do you want us to tell you? If the judge ordered it then you have to pay it. If not then get a good attorney to have alimony discontinued.

I've talked with many attorneys and have yet to find one that will take my case after when asked, I tell them who the judge is. They all seem to know this judge favors the women.

One attorney even suggested that I wait until the judge retires (he's older than dirt) to bring my case to court. This suggests to me that this judge misused his discretionary power and gets away with it.
koiman said:
I've talked with many attorneys and have yet to find one that will take my case after when asked, I tell them who the judge is. They all seem to know this judge favors the women.

One attorney even suggested that I wait until the judge retires (he's older than dirt) to bring my case to court. This suggests to me that this judge misused his discretionary power and gets away with it.

I need a rouge lawyer to deal with this rouge judge. Any suggestions?
Sorry I have no recommendations for you. Does not seem like there is a very good chance of getting alimony disco'd if no attorney will help you.

How much are you paying and is it lifetime alimony?
change venue

Why can't you have a change of venue to another judge? I don't know that much about alimony. That's why I haven't posted a reply until now.

We had to change venue to another judge for emancipation of 18-19 year old. The old judge uses his personal opinion (small community) and favors the women. In other words, he denied our claim because 18 year old SAID she wanted to go to college but hadn't been in regular school for a year.

Good Luck.
thanks gearhart7

gearhart7 said:
Why can't you have a change of venue to another judge? I don't know that much about alimony. That's why I haven't posted a reply until now.

We had to change venue to another judge for emancipation of 18-19 year old. The old judge uses his personal opinion (small community) and favors the women. In other words, he denied our claim because 18 year old SAID she wanted to go to college but hadn't been in regular school for a year.

Good Luck.

If you are a man and you go thru a divorce, I'm afraid you will find out about alimony the hard way like I did. It's the judges way of sticking it to you if he/she thinks you have "victumized" that "poor woman". These women and their lawyers should get an oscar for the performance of "playing injured" in front of the judge.

I have asked for a change of venue and was told by my lawyer that I cannot do that simply because I didn't agree with the judges ruling. How did you have venue changed?
We were trying to get his older daughter emancipated (which Indiana age is 21- no matter what). So unless you can prove certain things like not going to school (high school or college), being 18, lives out of the home, married, armed forces, you pay until then. Well, after the first attempt, the judge said she wasn't capable of taking care of herself (but she could have her boyfriend live with her and sleep in the same bed).

So we waited a couple of months, his ex had the court file for non-payment. We had our lawyer file a new court date. Then she just filed for change of venue. Because my husband hadn't ever filed for it. He got it changed to another judge. Boy, was his ex mad. She wrote to say it wasn't fair and blah, blah, and blah. They denied her claim. So that's where we are.

I was surprised that they changed it because we didn't agree with the other judge. Maybe, child support is different than alimony. I don't know. Believe me, his ex can play the poor mom role. They don't have cable TV because of us. What a crock! They never had it the whole time they have lived at their house (5years).

Good Luck.
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