We were trying to get his older daughter emancipated (which Indiana age is 21- no matter what). So unless you can prove certain things like not going to school (high school or college), being 18, lives out of the home, married, armed forces, you pay until then. Well, after the first attempt, the judge said she wasn't capable of taking care of herself (but she could have her boyfriend live with her and sleep in the same bed).
So we waited a couple of months, his ex had the court file for non-payment. We had our lawyer file a new court date. Then she just filed for change of venue. Because my husband hadn't ever filed for it. He got it changed to another judge. Boy, was his ex mad. She wrote to say it wasn't fair and blah, blah, and blah. They denied her claim. So that's where we are.
I was surprised that they changed it because we didn't agree with the other judge. Maybe, child support is different than alimony. I don't know. Believe me, his ex can play the poor mom role. They don't have cable TV because of us. What a crock! They never had it the whole time they have lived at their house (5years).
Good Luck.