Alligator Alley

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Filing Bankruptsy

I have decided that Bankruptcy should be filed, and think, depending on the, Chapter Filed", is either a way, "in" or a way "out", of future debt.

I am referring to the difference between Chapter 7 and Chapter 13.

I am wanting to know if you were defending this case and if you have read this post from the beginning, . from a, "legal stand point" and a, "business stand point", since, . a bankruptcy attorney would want to have a sound understanding of business law and financing, . what he or she would reccomend to me ?

I would conclude with poseing one more question which may well provide the answer to the first, it is a question not necessarily posed to my legal council, excepting only, if the legal council would be available ready and willing to assist me in finding out how the bureaucracy works, when it comes to assessing technology, as implied in the previous post in this thread, . the company was a developer of technology and in the years of business did not take in an income, . since, technology is the product being produced, it seems that this activity is one that is in question.

The question arising to be answered out of the remnants and records of the failed business, and there relationship with the bureacracy, since, the technology is primarily and most commonly one that is used by the offices of the bureacracy and its agencies and their association with private and corporate industry.

It is my strong belief that the benefit to the debtor and defendant, lies in answering the question concerning technology, which is, . .

Who is responsible for assessing technology that is used for the advantage of an agency, who in the process of there day to day job, of which they are depended upon to save lives ?

I think once this question is answered, not only will the American democratic, "incentive system", be in better working condition, but also the advocates of this freedom, our state to state federally sponsored SBA.

This preservation would ad, "character", to the resources of freedom available to every citizen, who seeks to advance, science, culture, commerce and trade, for himself, his fellow American, and our country. Rather than create a closed circuit government hierachy, where rights are abused commonly in the name of, " political postureing and elbow rubbing with , "Corporate America", ( a prestigious title earned by corporations that support the american ideal).

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News in the Alley

I am still at it, the last round was a tie, we paid 22,000, to the first foreclosure but the fight has just begun.

I have other wee wees trying to to make the best of the rest, that is the bait thats on the hook, and they are not big enough to get their mouth around the hook, but they like the bait, so they just nibble off as much as they can get.

So, I now have to file a special civil answer, in the State of New Jersey for another collector, and if you have read previous post in this thread, you will know that a third party is, as far as the defendent is concerned, "part of the action".

However in the form used in this state, in this particular complaint which is under 3,000,
ther is an explicative; dated NJ 03/01/06 as the form publishing date;

H. IMPORTANT: The court rules say you have to sign this statement at the bottom of form:
"I certify that the matter in controversy is is not the subject of any court action or
arbitration proceeding, now pending or contemplated, and that no other parties should be
joined in this action " This means that you must make sure that you do not need anyone else into the case."

Is this something that has just been added or what ? My case needs another party explanation as I have on going communications with agencies of the DOJ.

Your comments suggestions and advice as always will be greatly appreciated.

So here you will find the one of the many reasons I have called this Post,
"Alligator Alley".
Here in the state of New Jersey, to add to my last post,, of not having the choice to bring in, "circumstances that are beyond your contol", defence when, "wrong doing by a third party" has caused your, "indebtedness", and therefore have signed your rights away at the convenience of the, "people", of the state, and your defense at a trial if requested!

In times of need, in this state, you want an attorney to represent you and you have limited funds, you are requested to use the legal services office, or (Legal-Aid), of course you must qualify, if you do, and live in a household with others their worth goes into the equation and if there holders of property etc. bingo your without a right to have an attorney.

Oh, but they, (the state will allow you to defend yourself), but you can not defend yourself in the case, "where the conflict is the subject of any other parties), so you now not only, don't have an attorney, but you are held in one place defenseless so that your opponent can beat the living daylight out of you.

I think that I have had just about enough, in my work as an environmental systems designer, you can create ways clean sewers, and not expect any pay, unless you qualify for a grant, (check that out), but if your system is any good or if there is the promise to make any money at it, someone else wants your job, and are willing to
get a congress to defraud you out of it.

That bad ? Your Dam Right it's that bad out there buddy !
However, if you know an attorney that would like to spend some time on a very interesting case, where the possibilities of large rewards are possible.

Let me know, to start off with Textron is a Ten Billion Dollar Financial Corporation and a Holding of Bell Helicopter.

back in 2004, I had an investor I met, whom I told this episode to, say to me, "it is unrealistic to think that Textron, such a large corporation would do anything like that,
if you had a patentable technology that was worth anything, they would just purchase it from you", today thats the biggest joke I have ever heard.

So, if you know an attorney who has American desire in him, or even one who is rich, and would like to get a lot richer, get him to me !

I will unfold the facts.

I am also willing to share IP investments in market profits, in return for services, these extend to Copyrights and
Patentable technologie.

Reply from Civil Practice Division Letter to State of NJ

The only recent changes to the answer form as I recall deals with the ADA Disabilities as prescibed by the Americans With Disabilities Act, which is Federal Legislation. Regarding the certification that your current action is not the subject of other arbitration or civil proceedings, this language has been required by court rule for a number of years and is not new.
The purpose of this language is to allow the court to know whether the current action should be consolidated with another action. It does not affect the fact that you may wish to bring in other parties in your current case.
Sorry if I got carried away in prior posts, I did not mean or intend to abuse anyone, I was heated up, . . I am not guessing I really know, . . how some of these things can turn out, . . I should mention to you, . . .

I recall the time I became involved in a private self R&D concerning, hazardous waste, disposal and storgae for a proposed submission for Fed. funding, I then heard about the need for Nuclear waste project and thought that my project might fit.

I then applied myself to obtaining the format from a department in DC, the information I received was that the project sublission deadline was in Jan. of that year.

In conversing with other offices a little later, I found out that the same project wwas offered by another department,
but the deadline for submission was in Feb., does this tell you anything ?

Well if it doesn't, later a news broadcast covered nuclear waste and a concept that was interestingly simiar to mine, and to get in the public eye, (publicity!), the report stated that the Russian nuclear peiople were there at the plant in Georgia, U.S. , to view the new technology.

I decided to research this and finally got down to the specific perso in a specific office of the Nuclear Reg. Commission. His phone only rang and rang, after more than a week of this, I finally got an answer, and discovered that the news broadcast was untrue and that there was no Russian representitive there, of course this did not make the news.

Big A.Corp. Westinghouse got the billion dollar contract, BTW !!

So, . . .about Alligator alley !
it wasn't my choice but my familys, we paid the first round,
$22,000 now the next creditor in line is up to bat, and I have requested a trial.

Now a little more than two weeks before the scheduled trial I have received some interesting mail.

The first mail card I received dated, Oct.16 2007 reads;

A jury trial has been scheduled for this case on 01-15-08 At 9:00AM
Firm Listing. Please be prepared for Trial etc.

Second Mail card received reads ;

The motion Filed on 12-21-2007 will be decided on 01-07-08.
Do not come to the courthouse because no oral argument has been requested. The courts decision will be sent to you.

I am hoping you might offer me some little tid-bit of advice in my favor.
I"ve Been Under Electronic Harrassment For Over Ten Years Now. My Eyes Are Camera's They See And Hear Everything.thier's A Chance That I Know Who's Responsible. I Won't Say Much More What Recourse's Do I Have
You can be much clearer in your post, and you can repost in a new thread. Your post doesn't seem to have anything to do with Ziggy's problem (or maybe it does, I can't tell) and it's much too vague.

Or is this a joke? I can't bite my tongue any longer... please put the bong away and try again.
#1 I Dont Smoke Anymore.the First Thing You Need To Know Is I Want My Freedom To Look At The One I Love And Not See Someone Else Looking Through My Eyes Watching Her Too.they Are Able To Read My Thouhgts The Moment That I Think Of Something, They Allready Know It, Sound Travels At The Speed Of Light.their Soundwaves And Microwaves They Have Burned My Head So Bad Before That Chunks Like Sugar Frosted Flakes And I'm Not Talking About One Or Two Enough To Where You Want Kill That Enough For You Or Shall Go On ? They Think It's Funny To Shoot Me In The Eye They Did It One Two Many Times I Told Them That If They Shot Me One More Time That Would Not Be Able To Use My Home Because I Would Blow It Up So They Shot In My Eye I Guess They Didnt Believe I Took 5 Gallons Of Gas And Burned It Down So Yes I Want My Freedom Sao Bad You Cant Even Understand It.ten Of This Shit Is Enough .

Yep I agree, glad I came back to check on this reply, if I told a friend to come here and check out my post, wow! Wacko-Tobacco !
I think we have a beat-nick poet out of the fifties, . .

Thats what the weed with roots in hell will do to you after awhile.

I think archie has nerve though to bring this wacko weed bull to the law forum. It serves as a reminder, I'd hate to drop a spark on that pile of powder.

Oh well, maybe I'll request a deletion, after I decide that I'll never figure out exactly what point he is making.
Who, knows maybe he knows me from somewhere, and he figures he's, deep down through his abuse he's probably jealous and tormented with the fact that I am a successful designer in the aviation industry. I have a couple of those who belong in Sing-Sing but are still running around.

Yeah, this case, their still after me for loads of money.

The thing is it is pretty much about business financing regardless of how you raise the money as long as it's legal.

That's what I did, and put in the area, give or take 250,000
in five years.

It is about Helicopter Search and Rescue equipment, and patents and copyrights and technology commercialization.

The thing is in something like this your competitors would have a tough time getting away with the whole anchellotta,
without contracting with the government. I guess they could work in secret, while you worked your way into the insane asylum or the grave, then surprise the government with a contract that they also secretly lobbied with cronies behind closed doors.

I have submitted a request to the US Attorneys Office in Virginia to look this over. Because it would do me a lot of good to find out what is new in the helicopter industry as far as Federal Procurement is concerned.

Well, I have not received much back in the way of answers lately, other than 3-4 e-m letters ago I requested a status check and was told that this was submitted to the appropriate fraud investigations office.

Meanwhile, I had some serious inquiries as to who would purchase my house to save me a few bucks on the foreclosure, that was the first one, since then on the second, I requested a trial about the collection, Pressler and Pressler apparently had a little more influence then I did, I received a letter from the courts after I paid the trial fee, and they set a date for the trial, they decided that I did not have to show up on the court date, since there was not going to be a trial, and that since I did not request an oral argument ?? My thoughts were why would I need an oral argument if I had a jury trial.

I was going to tell the jury, the debt was mine but the cause wasn't and that I wanted to bring the creditors together in a bankruptcy and to discuss the capabilities of a pay back but first the fraud inquiry and the do-diligence concerning such would have to happen first.

Well, anyway I have a bunch of stuff on my desk and it's got me a little down, but I know if I live long enough I'll be right, and I'll prove it! period.
Dirt doesn't float to the top, . . does it ? I am thinking the truth does.
I would like to sue this ten billion dollar company for 100,000,000 sound like maybe I'm joking but I am not kidding. They put me through a living hell ! These people abuse the right to
the extent of dishonor. They're cold blooded !

I have a blog, but there is non of this stuff on it and I don't want the Archies of this world to go there. If your interested send me a PM.
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Irish223 thats my first real try at posting at any fourm and no I don't no you or want your money . you said to need more details so I did heres something that might help you see the light. Go and search under electronic harrassment and youll see people all over the world in every city and town and state that this is happening to. I hope your not to closed minded on things. thanks for the reply
I think that you must be misunderstanding this post, . .however we will need to carry on a conversation in another post, I will look into this forum and see if there is a cafe lounge or something. I need to close, . . . another time and another place.

But thats interesting I check it out on my next shift.
Archie, you are not clear as to what kind of help or advice you need. Unless you are more specific in your request, I doubt you'll get any other response.
Six months have past !

Six months have past, since Archie came along and created confusion in my thread, Oh well, there's one in every crowd.

I may or may not have mentioned that I wrote to the U.S. Attorney's Office,

concerning a fraud investigation, after many attempts at finding out what the status of the information I sent was in the last year, this is a duplicate excerpt;

Sent: Thursday, September 27, 2007 10:35:11 AM
Subject: Previous Communication
Auto forwarded by a Rule
Jim Rybicki
Public Information Officer
Phone: (703)842-4050 Fax: (703)549-5202

Dear Jim Ricki,
This is in reference to the two letters I have sent you on August 28 2007, concerning my dealings and association with the Textron Financial Corporation.
Have you or will you look into this ?
From: Rybicki, James (USAVAE)
Sent: Saturday, September 29, 2007 6:37 PM
Subject: FW: Previous Communication

I have forwarded your previous to our Fraud Unit who will forward it to the appropriate investigative agency.

Jim Rybicki
Dear Sir,
For my personal information, If I may ask you again, . .
What, "appropriate investigative agency", did you forward previously mentioned information(s), to ?
To: Rybicki, James (USAVAE)
Sent: Tuesday, December 09, 2008 3:10 PM
Subject: Re: Previous Communication

Dear Sir,
For my personal information, If I may ask you again, . .
What, "appropriate investigative agency", did you forward previously mentioned information(s), to ?
Sent: Monday, December 15, 2008 11:35 AM
Subject: Previous Communication
Dear DoJ Personel,
Please tell me, . . Is there any way to get a responce to my previous request ? I have made repeated attempts to obtain an answer to a rather simple question.
To: JP
Sent: Monday, December 15, 2008 4:56 PM
Subject: RE: Previous Communication

As I did not see the information you provided to Mr. Rybicki and because Mr. Rybicki is no longer here, will you please forward me the information? I do not know if it even pertains to our District. If it is forwarded to an investigative agency, we will provide you with that agency's name.
Thank you,
Kim Ulmet, Victim/Witness Specialist
US Attorney's Office – EDVA
Sent: Saturday, December 20, 2008 10:46 AM
Subject: Re: Previous Communication
Kim Ulmet,
Thank you for your reply, I am curious if Mr. Rybicki, would have kept a log concerning his daily business, wouldn't this be routine ?

For your information in the case you may be interested,
The projects I submitted to Textron of Bell Helicopter at that time, (5), five years ago, involved, the following product project;
I Want to Sue for Damages

You may have read this thread, its pretty messed up and might seem rambly,

but take my word for it its for real, what I have here is I did some business with Textron Financial Corporation and they are owned by Bell Helicopter, and they managed to pull the rug out from under me.

I sunk time and 250,000$ worth of blood sweat and tears into this startup,
I believe they hood winked me.

I was submitting to them my business plan as it was being developed, thinking that they would be impressed, and I wanted them to be, and I trusted them.

They offered to have an in house business consultant review my plan.

The technologies I submitted to them were as follows;


If you wish you may view the topic at the Rotorhead forum;

This was only one of the technology Products I submitted.

The other was an equipment technology, and is not convenient for my to discuss this in a public forum, however I can tell you its value as an asset begins at 100 Mill. Sale Value

I would prefer to have a Japanese firm that is familiar with International LAW,

I am looking for a firm that would be interested in representing me on a consignment basis, and will consider what ever terms they have.

It does not have to be a Japanese firm, however it is my preference.

Please spread the word around.

Support Fair Play for the Little People, Who Are the Reason We Had a Great Country !

"Nothing Ventured - Nothing Gained"
Federal Legal Limit of Stature

I'd like to know the Federal Legal Limit of Stature, for a claim of Financial Crime, regarding the indebtedness incurred.

Of all the debts that I incurred, the one that did not request repayment was the financial corporation that was owned by the helicopter company that I originally stated had caused the credit failure.

The question arises why did they not make an attempt to collect, . . my answer is that if they had then they would still be within the legal limit of stature, . . which would mean that I would have been able to substantiate my complaint of criminal misconduct.

Therefore if there is a question here on my part and they did not make an attempt to collect the debt
for that purpose then are they in contempt of the stature by committing yet another
crime, which would be that of conspiracy to obscure evidence, or the like of it ?

My debt to them was about 35,000, they are a defense contractor, the technology they knew was in my possession was not only a helmet ), which is one of the products their company is a manufacturer of, but not the model I designed), but a rescue line stabilizer technology that would effect all SAR helicopters in the future.
As it contributes "5" advantages that do not presently exist. This company could easily negotiate with other company's and shelf the technology as a very valuable asset.

What reason would a Financial Corporation belonging to a Helicopter company have for not collecting a debt of this size ?
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