already working soon to be divorced

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I have a friend who is in the process of a divorce. She has been working for 2 years, but prior to that was a stay at home mom for 9. Is she allowed or entitled to alimony/spousal support as well as child support for the kids or is that negated by the fact that she is presently working? the divorece is due to adultery(does the status make any difference?) if that makes any difference and yes she is seeking counsel.
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Most states are no faiult if that is the case, adultery probably will not make a difference in alimony. If she is in a state that is not no fault, it MIGHT make a small difference but it really all depends on how much she makes and how much her husband makes. If there is a big difference in incomes, she might get a year or 2's worth of alimony but she should see an attorney.

Yes she is entitled to CS assuming she gets custody.
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