A friend was arrested for something in GA, I'm not told for what, though it's not murder, hurting someone, drugs or guns. I suspect it's solicitation of some sort. They are out on 25,000 bond that their friends posted. They are not a citizen (ironically was eligible to apply last week) so, if convicted, the lawyers told them they would be deported automatically after time served. Then an immigration lawyer told them that even if the charge was reduced to a misdimeaner and even if they were only given probation or the like, they would still be deported. They have not been convited of anything and do not yet have a court date for any sort of trial. They have decided to just leave and go back to thier home country instead of taking a chance on jail, since they would be deported anyway. They will then owe thier friends the 25,000 in bond money. This person is a friend with whom I hang out. I've also helped to make a poster advertising all thier belongings for sale. I'm wondering if I've done anything illegal or not by helping to get thier things sold. I'm wondering if I drive them to the airport if I will have done something illegal. I'm also wondering if I'm doing something illegal by just knowing that they are planning to leave. I'm thinking that the authorities won't care- since they will have gone back to where the authorities will be sending them in the end. Also, no one took thier passport, knowing they weren't a citizen. I'm also thinking that this whole thing isn't that important and that the law has more important things to worry about. I know that once people find out that they are gone, left everything behind, that I will be on the top of the list of people who are asked if I know any information. Am I doing something that can get me into trouble?