Am I being blacballed


New Member
Hello my name is __________ and am a ___________ ; I had recently worked for an organization whom I believe have blackballed me since 2016 and have been trying to get a job with the same field and have had several promising positions up and until the actual offer only to be told that they were considering someone else ? Please help
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If you did some shady stuff at your past employers, the employers often tell it if asked.

That's not blackballing, that's just your lousy legacy following you, like a dark cloud over your head.

Don't do stupid stuff....
Hello my name is [name omitted]

Why do folks continually do this? We don't need your name, and posting it on a public forum like this is not smart.

I had recently worked for an organization whom I believe have blackballed me since 2016 and have been trying to get a job with the same field and have had several promising positions up and until the actual offer only to be told that they were considering someone else ?

Despite your use of a question mark, this sentence is not a question. If you intended it to be a question, I cannot discern what you intended to ask.

Please help

What sort of "help" do you suppose anonymous strangers on an internet message board might provide? Here are the only two facts you've provided: (1) you used to be employed; and (2) you've been seeking employment in the same field without success. What exactly are we supposed to make of that? Unless you provide relevant facts and ask clear questions, there's nothing much we can do in response.
If they hadn't made an offer yet, they weren't "your" positions. You didn't "have" them. Until the offer is made and accepted there are normally multiple decent contenders who won't get the job. Why do you believe your former employer is preventing you from obtaining employment?

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