New Member
I owe nearly $3000 in court fines in California. I now live in Arizona, but I went back to California to figure out what I need to do to get the hold removed from my lisence. I was told that my fines are in collections with the California Franchise Tax Board and that only one of the fines for $638 has a hold on my lisence. So, if I pay just that one fine, the hold should be removed from my lisence. However, when I called the Franchise Tax Board to try and pay this fine, I was told that I can't pay one ticket at a time. He said that the money I pay them will be divided out evenly to each of my tickets, so I must slowly pay off each ticket. I was disapointed, of course. Then, he said I should try to set up some sort of a formal payment plan with them, so that they don't garnish my bank account. I agreed that I would like to set up a payment plan for $50 a month (the minimum allowed). Then, he started asking me a lot of questions about my bank, my income amd my expenses. After I answered all of his questions he said that he needs me to send in 2 months worth of bank statements in order to set up the payment plan. Why would he need this? I feel like he's trying to trick me into giving him the information he needs to garnish my bank account. I didn't tell him my account number or anything, but he does know which bank I have an account with. What do you guys think? I'm so paranoid that I withdrew all of my money from my account.