Am I infringing on a copyright?

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Over a year ago I purchased a pattern for modest swimsuits to sew for my daughters. The seller lives in Canada. I am a work-at-home-mom, a seamstress, and I love the suits so this spring I made up several and sold them. Someone pointed out to me that the patterns had a copyright, so I made changes to the pattern (neckline, waistline, sleeve length, skirt width, etc.) and carried on. I did some research online and found many, many patterns for modest swimsuits, some almost exactly like the pattern I have.
Now the woman that sold me the pattern is claiming that I'm infringing on her copyright. I emailed her back and explained that I was using a pattern on my own design, similar to hers (and several others) but not exactly. She wrote back and said if I don't quit immediately she will have her lawyer contacting me. Yikes!
I did some research on copyright law and I thought I fell into the "useful items" category, but maybe I don't. Can anyone help me? I certainly don't want to be doing anything wrong, but it seems like there is a lot of grey area here.
Thank you so much for any wisdom...
Do you really think some Canadian would come to the US to sue you?

What do you think her damages would be?

I wouldn't worry.
So what is involved in stopping someone you think is infringeing on your copyright? Would she have to physically come to where I am?
What type of damages are involved in settleing a suit? What are they based on?
Sorry for all the questions, but I'm not very knowledgeable about this. Thanks!
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