An Impromptu Meeting with Joe Lhota, Candidate for New York City Mayor

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Michael Wechsler

Staff member
I thought that you might enjoy this article I wrote today on meeting the leading Republican candidate for New York City Mayor, Joe Lhota. It's not every day that you get to spend some good time with a person of this magnitude and experience in an informal setting. Unlike the usual "campaign mode" experiences I've had, this one was fun and gave me an off-camera insight into the person, not just the campaigning hand-shaking candidate.

In the past I've met Governor Andrew Cuomo (also a fellow law school alum whose outlines were legendary, lol), Anthony Weiner (several times, including in a suit jacket and without his sleeves rolled up although he's famous for other features), former Governor Rudy Guiliani (in a gym in Chelsea along with his body guards) among many others. It's always interesting to meet our representatives in person and get a better feel for who they are up close.
Republican candidates for New York Mayor don't seem to get a lot of press...
New York City is still heavily democrat country and, more telling, is the lack of scandals and unusual characters. The Republicans just aren't the most charismatic and polished group of speakers, primarily consisting of former private businessmen who have enough money to finance their own campaigns. You might say that often they appear very rough around the edges. So let's meet our democrats.

The democratic primary consists of a diverse and interesting mix of characters.
I did enjoy reading the article. Wow, you know people in high places. :)
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