Annual Bonus Income

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I have a question about my annual bonus.
I have just taken my ex back to court and I was given an additional 30 days of visitation per year. I am completing the forms to change the child support amount.

Each year I receive an annual bonus. It can fluctuate by several thousand per year. This last year was a particularly good one. ($30k more than usual)

Will the court allow an average of this year and the past few to determine the income entered for the child support calculation or do they only take the current years pay and make me go back in six months when I receive my 06' bonus to adjust it?

Another question, my ex also enrolls the kids in daycare whenever I try to lower the support. She did this 18 months ago prior to our conciliation hearing, then pulled them out just after the ruling. The kids have not been back until just the last couple of weeks when she was served. Is there any way to fight this? I do have first right of refusal in my last parenting order. Will they take that into consideration?
The court would probably take an average.

But I have no way of knowing how some judge is going to rule.
The court would probably take an average.

But I have no way of knowing how some judge is going to rule.

It will actually be ruled on by expedited services. I would imagine that they have some sort of guidelines and it would not be a judgement call based on the individual. I may be wrong though.

You may have to do some investigating into the daycare with your kids. Have the daycare write a letter stating that the kids have not been there. You have rights to the information from the daycare because they are your children.

My husband's one night stand tried saying she was taking the daughter who is 12 years old to daycare (who is watched by sister, supposedly). We are going to have to hire a private investigator to watch them. She even had her sister do her taxes to show she was running a daycare. How nice is that!!!! Even I wouldn't do that for my sister.

Good Luck on the bonus. I don't know about that. How often can you have your support re-evaluated? In Indiana, you can have it every year if there are circumstances to have it done- less wages, more parenting time, etc.

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