Annulment question

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I got married in the UK in Jan 2000. My divorce has been going on for almost 2 years, I was only with him for 5 days after the wedding ( huge mistake) I have not seen him in almost 3 years. Now finally the court is saying that i should have an annullment instead of a divorce. I now live in the US, and want to re-marry someone else. What is the fastest way for me to get out of this mess? I am afraid of filing for an annulment in the UK because of the amount of time the solicitors/courts are taking. I have heard that i can apply for a annulment through Mexico. If i go this route, will it be a valid annulment? would i be able to re-marry a US citizen with no problems? Please help help me to find the best way to get this done.

thank you
Is the separation mutual? Has anyone explained to you why the divorce/annulment is taking such a long time? I don't think that the entire issue is a 2+ year backlog. Getting a divorce in another country might not be so quick and I am not familiar with going to a court in a state or country within which you do not have any established residency to obtain a divorce or annulment.

Why and on what basis did the court suggest an annulment?
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