1. She called humane society on me and said I didn't feed my dogs, Unfounded.
2. She called humane society on me because my son let the dogs out and then fell asleep, my dog supposedly got injured now I wonder if she harmed him instead. He needed stitches, which I paid 87.00 for.
3. She has called my landlord twice and had her neighbor call once, I know because I had my landlord give me the numbers. She is on my side. They called to tell her that my son rode the neighbors ATV thru my yard. She failed to tell them that her husband was the first to ride his ATV thru my yard and run over top of my sons igloo. This was when the snow was melting what a muddy mess. My son didn't make it any better. I called her about that though and he will reseed in the spring. As soon as it dries.
4. She called my work and said that I called her Autisitic son a name. Which I didn't do.
5. She called the police on Feb, 13 and said that my husband touched her daughter and that he threatened to shoot her and drive his tractor trailer thru her house.
6. She called the police on Feb 25, and said that she couldn't get out of her driveway because of the Tractor. No trailer hooked up. The police told her that if she couldn't get out of her driveway because there was enough room then she needed to turn over her license.
7. She calle the police on Feb 26, and claimed that my husband was drunk and was going to drive his tractor thru her house. AGAIN.... The twist was he was drunk this time. Breathalizer taken.....blew all 0.000000.
8. She called the police on Feb 27, because she came out yelling and calling my daughter a "F----- Tramp" and my husband a "F----- Pervert" I told her to leave my kids out of this and that if she had a problem to come kick my A---, I walked to end of yard she attempted to get over fence and failed so she went inside and called police. I dont know what was said at that time.
9. At 10:30 PM the 27th she started to install with all her kids around 4 very large flood lights and has shined them right onto my house. Needless to say I don't need any outside lights. At least it is her electric not mine. HAH.
10. She called my landloard again today.
11. She is constantly taping me on her video camera that is pointed out her window and onto my house, the twist again, I cannot open my curtains. I don't like the idea that she is watching every move I make. I don't have time for this nor do I want to deal with this. This is all very upsetting to me and I don't know what recourse I can do in this state.
When will this end. My kids are now suffering from this. And there is not a whole lot the police can do. It is all legal so they tell me. I don't want to sue because she has an Autistic son and her kids don't deserve this and that is part of this worlds problems they don't have any other way to solve their problems than to sue....You can't sue anyone with no money. If they would make a formal federal law about harrassment we could solve most of the problems. I think, don't you all. If I knew how to do it I would lobby the congress for a law about harrassment from neighbors. It is a large problem all over the country. If anyone has any infomation that will help me to deal with this please. I have already been told not to worry, but how do you not, when every move they make is hurting your children. When they start involving my children then I get upset. This is emotional. Thanks for all your help. JH