Parole, Probation Another probation violation violation question

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My jurisdiction is: CA/LA and Orange Counties

Sorry to bother you all with another probation violation question, but please ... here goes ...

Orange County: felony conviction w/3 yrs reporting probation.

6 mos later, LA County: misdemeaner conviction w/3 yrs non-rpt probation.

After learning about the LA County conviction, the OC PO had him arrested for violating his probation. He goes to court on Monday for the probation violation arraignment. His PO told him he'll probably be given 30 days and have to serve 20. My husband is concerned they might revoke his probation and have him serve some serious time.

I know you can't give me any set in stone info, but any ideas based on your experience of how much trouble he's in and how long he might have to stay?

Thank you for your time -- and patience.
A lot depends on his Judge and the probation report.

Sometimes when sentenced, a Judge will "Suspend" some of the sentence. By doing this, they are in essence telling the probationer that if they screw up, this is the jail time they can expect.

If affordable, definately get an attorney.

What was the original crime, and what is the new crime?
Morning. The original felony was assault w/deadly weapon other than a gun. The second, a misdemeaner, was forgery (I believe). He tried to cash a scam check, knowing it was a scam.

Thank you for replying.
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