Arrest, Search, Seizure, Warrant Another question regarding arrests/background checks/dismissed cases..

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Okay. To brief you, Back in october 1999 I was initially arrested for 594A, which as you probably know is felony vandalism over $400. Upon bieng searched inside of the police quarters, They discovered a small baggie of marijuana hidden in the side of the shoe i had on, which I believe was 5 grams or less.

Now where this went down was in San Francisco, and as you know they carry *VERY* lenient laws on both the use and possession of marijuana. I also had a blunt on me (marijuana in cigar paper) , And they were so lax, the female officer actually put the blunt in my possessions bag, and going as far as jokingly passing out on the table while smelling it, citing she didnt want to take it to the lab.

Fast forward to the year 2000, I moved to San Diego. A background check for a job brought the vandalism charge up, And i got on the first plane smoking, got a temporary place to stay, finished all remaining community service, and pre trial diversion told me *everything was erased from my record upon completion*

Now as far as the baggie they took/found, It is to my knowledge that the case was thrown out/dropped. It wasnt on ANY of the official court papers, And when going to pre-trial diversion the only thing i dealt with was resolving my vandalism charge through community service.

Fast forward to the year 2004, And me trying to get a certain goverment job (ive worked for the goverment before, even AFTER the said charges) I recieve a letter in the mail today, Citing that a FBI fingerpring result shows i was charged with both the said charges, possession and vandalism.

Bieng that i said "no" to "have you been arrested for, charged with, or convicted of any offenses", I have to answer a few questions, only having to do with the possession, which i wasnt even charged with.

The reason I put no, would be because it was thrown out/erased from my record, hence no reason to talk about it.

Now, my question is.. How do i go about finding what sort of clearance i was given, as far as the marijuana charge, or what *officially* happened with it, bieng that i was never charged? Another thing is im having problem answering this question:

"have you ever been arrested for or charged with, or convicted of any drug related offenses?" seeing that i was initially arrested only for vandalism, they then found the marijuana after i was arrested..was i really arrested for a drug offense? if it was thrown out to the point where it didnt even show up on my court papers, was i actually charged with it, or convicted?

Its pretty much a do or die question, one would think yes...but the way it was dismissed, id say no. also, i'm told to' explain what steps ive taken to be involved in my rehabilitation'. what steps? possession dosent equal was thrown out and that was the end of my "rehabilitation".

if you can give shed some light on how i should correctly answer those questions with the background ive given you, i would *REALLY* appreciate it.

Sorry for the long read, just thought it was needed to explain things thoroughly. thanks in advance!
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