Another Vehicle Forcefully Backed Into My Vehicle in a Commercial Lot


New Member
First time for everything! Unfortunately, another driver backed forcefully into my vehicle in a parking lot. The driver of the other vehicle believed I moved. However, I did not even have my engine on while in the car. My fender and bumper were damaged significantly. The police officer arrived and said a commercial lot is private property and that I need to deal directly with my insurance company. I was reading on the forum that it is in my best interest to call both my and the other driver's insurance to report this incident. How do I convey it was not my fault if fault is not assigned? What steps should be taken to avoid paying my deductible when it was not my fault? Looking for any and all assistance from the members as my funds are limited too. Thank you.
I was reading on the forum that it is in my best interest to call both my and the other driver's insurance to report this incident.
Call the other driver's insurance company first thing tomorrow. If you get a positive response within a day or two you probably won't have to get your insurance involved.

If you get resistance, file the claim on your collision coverage. Yes, you'll pay your deductible. Your company will try to get it back when it seeks reimbursement for what they pay to fix your car.

How do I convey it was not my fault if fault is not assigned?

Pretty much the same way you explained it here. And hope that the other driver told the truth to his insurer. If he didn't then it's word vs word and you use your own insurance.
The police officer arrived and said a commercial lot is private property and that I need to deal directly with my insurance company.

Well...of course. It would be no different than if it happened on a public street.

How do I convey it was not my fault if fault is not assigned?

You tell the story truthfully.

What steps should be taken to avoid paying my deductible when it was not my fault?

If you make a claim against your collision coverage, fault is irrelevant, and you cannot avoid your deductible. If you make a claim against the other driver's liability coverage, there is no deductible.

Hopefully, you have already called the other driver's insurer and made a claim. Better that you get to tell the story first, before the other driver tells it - especially if you think the other driver's story will not be consistent with yours.

Note that, regardless of the response you receive from the other driver's insurance, you are contractually obligated to notify your insurer about the incident (you are not, however, obligated to make a claim against your own coverage).

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