Answers on signing off of child support plzzz

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I was awarded child support in the amt of 407/mo. He got it reduced a few yrs ago, not that he paid very often anyway. He now is ordered to pay 154/mo. My daughter is now 19. He owes arrearages of 3000+. He just called me and said he wants me to sign off of this amt thru CSEA. He will sign papers saying he owes me this amt but in order for him to get his liscense back he has to pay all arrearages or have me sign this paperwork. My only prob is if he owes the STATE, sooner or later i just might get the money owed. If he just owes ME i doubt he will ever pay and id have to get an attorney to fight this. Am i just being unreal by not wanting to do this, or am i being an intelligent mother who feels her daughter deserves this money? Ive never called and asked him for money for her. He always says hes gonna try to pay when he calls and i dont ever even comment. Ive understood that you cannot rely on that to be paid. If you actually do get a pmt its considered a bonus.
Um...I wouldn't sign a darned thing.

You and your child deserve the child support. Signing off means you're NOT going to get it - he's trying to get you to FORGIVE the arrears!
I second Proserpina's wise counsel.

The only difference is that I would do to him what he has done to you. I'd ignore him. This deadbeat doesn't deserve the courtesy of an answer. Ignore the bum. Let the state do the heavy lifting. One day he'll pay, if he ever expects a drivers license or an income tax refund.
I guess i knew i did the right thing by telling him no. Just wanted to second guess myself for a min and see if others agree i was doing the right thing. thanks so much
Now that i REALLY thought about it, the next time he calls im going to suggest he BORROW the money from his rich parents and he can sign a promisarry note with THEM. The sad thing is his parents are veryyy well off and this is their only grandchild. You'd think that they would have helped pay this for their grandchild. I know its not their responsibility, but i know i would have done it for my grandchild and my child. Ohhhh i cant wait to be done with all of this BS. I told him he owes my daughter this money and it will go straight to her. He also owes her a lot of im sorry's which i hope she gets some day. K....done babbling
He did'nt have the courtesy or the responsable mind to help pay to take care of his child so you should'nt have it for him in this deal. Dont sign and hopefully your daughter will get her money. Good luck.
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