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I live in Missouri but worked in Kansas. On 1-5-05 I fell while unloadly a cart of oxygen tanks when I fell the cart and tanks fell on top of me ( about 500 lbs). I was injured and taken to the hosptial I had a sprain in my elbow and swelling and tenderness in my hip and back. I went to the company doctor and they was not able to diagnosis what was wrong with my back after an MRI and therapy. So I was out for 8 days then my supervisor called me on the 9th day and advised that I was to return the next day or they couldn't guarantee my job so I returned and was told since I was not out 10 days so I was entitled to workamns comp. This is when I got and attorney and a workman comp case was opened I worked on restricted duties and then the company decided to put me on call even though I couldnt lift anything. On 1-25-05 I was called by the disaptcher and told that I need to make 2 after hours deliveries which was oxygen cannister even though I was limited to lifting only 5 lbs. I was advised her of this and she laughed and hung up. Then refused to take any of my calls so I didnt do the deliveries and was fired for poor work performance on 1-28-05. I was still under doctors care and the workman comp insurance didn't know I was fired until I went to the doctor and 1-31-05 and I told the doctor. The company then deducted the time I was out injuried from my last paycheck.
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