New Member
Ok my story is that a few weeks ago me and my friends were going to go out to a movie they asked if they could buy some weed off me and i say sure il give them everything i have left for 15$ (Id like to add im not a drug dealer it was just outa friendship i gave them my stuff) then we went out to the movies after thar we went to this back parking lot were we proced to smoke some what i gave them. then the cops pull in and start talking to us and i say we were just there to make a phone call the cop then proceds to look in my windows of my car and see a pipe laying out he then puts us under arest and finds after serching my car a bong and i give him my pipe that has some burnt weed in it so then im relesed to my folks (which were pretty pissed) and now 2 month have gone by and the procicuting attorny called and said some info will be in the mail. I have my police recored and it says Possesion, Parahanalia, And Distributain. Now this is my first time being introuble with the law and im a minor (16) what can i expect to get as a punishment? And can i be charged with distributain for such a small amount( It says in the police report 1.2 grams)? My friends have told me i can get a differal and all I will have to do is community service is this true? any help would really be great