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Hello, My husband and I pay the mortage on his grandmothers home located in Ga, my husbands mother who has the power of attorney for his grandmother was unable to sell the house and it was on the market for two years before we moved in, My husbands mother has been caring for his grandmother for almost 3 years and now wants to put her in a nursing home but says she is unable to do that while her mother has property in her name. My husband doesnt have enough revolving credit for us to purchase the house so his mother said that she could quick claim deed the house to us or do a land contract, but if we do that will his grandmother be able to be placed in a nursing home, if not is there a way? my husband is a vetern of the Iraq war and was medically discharged from the Marine Corp. in 2004 he is able to get a VA loan but we are scared his credit or lack there of will not allow us to qualify for the house, his mother is also only asking for the pay off on the home and it was appraised at alot more.Any help would be wonderful..
As long as Granny is alive (once you put her in a nursing home), she will be barred from selling her home. Social Security will not allow her home to be sold.

Your mother-in-law should check with Social Security before she concocts her plans.

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My mother in law is unable to put her in a home as long as she has property in her name. They will not cover it. So she is caring for her until we can qualify to purchase the home. But its getting harder on my mother in law to care for she agreed to do a land Contract or a quick claim deed but wasnt sure if she would be eliglble to go into a nursing home with either
As I said, social insecurity might not allow you to do that, either.

We have a son, age 41. He has been in a coma for 10 years. My wife is his legal guardian. We sued and won a huge medical needs trust for him. Social insecurity won't allow my wife to gift his home to his daughters. The home stands empty, because we were maintaining out of our own funds. I finally told my wife that was useless, wasteful, and stupid. The city can't even seize it for back taxes. Social insecurity has a strange lock on the property. My wife understands that there is nothing that we can do with that home, and so does the city.

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