Apartment Neighbor Caught Leaving Sexually Offensive Notes On My Door


New Member
I am 22 year old male. A 30+ year old male living next to me left a note on my door tonight. I didn't get to the door fast enough but the note read, "Use me". At this point I am creeped out and being vigilant. Thirty minutes go by and i hear someone on my porch and I rush to the door. As I open the door this man is leaving a second note that read "Ok, now your my bitch" and he ran back to his apartment after I opened the door. I ran after him and found his exact apartment two doors down from mine. I'm wondering what legal options I have moving forward? Would this qualify as harassment in the state of Texas? Thank you for any insight to actions I can take. Very creeped out and uncomfortable by the whole situation.
I am 22 year old male. A 30+ year old male living next to me left a note on my door tonight. I didn't get to the door fast enough but the note read, "Use me". At this point I am creeped out and being vigilant. Thirty minutes go by and i hear someone on my porch and I rush to the door. As I open the door this man is leaving a second note that read "Ok, now your my bitch" and he ran back to his apartment after I opened the door. I ran after him and found his exact apartment two doors down from mine. I'm wondering what legal options I have moving forward? Would this qualify as harassment in the state of Texas? Thank you for any insight to actions I can take. Very creeped out and uncomfortable by the whole situation.
Call the police and report the odd behavior...an officer will likely have a little talk with your strange neighbor and chances are he will stop bothering you.
As I open the door this man is leaving a second note that read "Ok, now your my bitch" and he ran back to his apartment after I opened the door. I ran after him and found his exact apartment two doors down from mine.

Did you knock on his door and ask him to explain his actions? If not, why not? If so, what response did you get?

I'm wondering what legal options I have moving forward? Would this qualify as harassment in the state of Texas?

Here's the statute. I think it's iffy, but judge for yourself. If you like, feel free to visit the police to discuss the matter. I'd be more than a little surprised if they do anything about it other than take a report.
Thank you for all the replies everybody. I called the police and they came out and attempted to speak with him. My neighbor would not open his door so the officer told me he could not issue him anything for trespassing unless he could give the notice to the neighbor physically in that moment. He gave me sequence number for the police call and told me to give that to my apartment complex along with notes. The officer also said if this continues to call again and it will most likely be harassment. After speaking with my complex and giving them the notes, I'm not to sure what to do moving forward. Again, thank you for all replies everybody I appreciate it!
Thank you for all the replies everybody. I called the police and they came out and attempted to speak with him. My neighbor would not open his door so the officer told me he could not issue him anything for trespassing unless he could give the notice to the neighbor physically in that moment. He gave me sequence number for the police call and told me to give that to my apartment complex along with notes. The officer also said if this continues to call again and it will most likely be harassment. After speaking with my complex and giving them the notes, I'm not to sure what to do moving forward. Again, thank you for all replies everybody I appreciate it!
If he was in the common hallway, then he wasn't trespassing in the first place.
Thank you for all the replies everybody. I called the police and they came out and attempted to speak with him. My neighbor would not open his door so the officer told me he could not issue him anything for trespassing unless he could give the notice to the neighbor physically in that moment. He gave me sequence number for the police call and told me to give that to my apartment complex along with notes. The officer also said if this continues to call again and it will most likely be harassment. After speaking with my complex and giving them the notes, I'm not to sure what to do moving forward. Again, thank you for all replies everybody I appreciate it!
If he bothers you again do as the officer said and call the police. You LL may evict the tenant due to this behavior...but you might want to consider moving yourself.
Yea that's true, that's something I am considering. I am hoping this is the end of the situation and he doesn't do this again. I'll post again to this thread with updates if anything else happens.
Yea that's true, that's something I am considering. I am hoping this is the end of the situation and he doesn't do this again. I'll post again to this thread with updates if anything else happens.
Thank you, Colin...We love getting updates. :)
I'm not to sure what to do moving forward.

You could start by answering the questions I asked: Did you knock on his door and ask him to explain his actions? If not, why not? If so, what response did you get?

Also, I'm curious why you posted for "insight to actions [you] can take," when you obviously had already contacted the police but didn't mention in your original post that you had done so.

you might want to consider moving yourself.

You could start by answering the questions I asked: Did you knock on his door and ask him to explain his actions? If not, why not? If so, what response did you get?

I would *strongly* advise against knocking on the neighbor's door and confronting him. Yes, asking him will be viewed as confrontational.

The notes are odd and quickly escalated. The neighbor could be harmless... or violent. It is hard to predict what irrational people will do. I, personally, don't want @Colin to be part of an episode of "Southern Fried Homicide".

Report the odd behavior as it continues to police and the landlord/property management.

Do not engage.

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