Apocalypse "Fine Dining"

You ain't had no Christmas dinner "lessen" "youse" done had it in a can!


Lessen of coarse youse done et Thanksgiving dinner in a can or a bucket, that's grate eetin!

tgivinginacan.JPG tgivingbucket.JPG

thanksgiving in a can - Google Search
I never see these canned ...meats/dinners at the grocery store. I think that Hank Hills squirrelly neighbor Dale has them all stashed in his basement bunker...along with all the unfiltered Camels.
My mother smoked those horrible tings all her life.
She passed away at age 95.
Other than those stinky things, she was a wonderful person and mom.
My Grandfather smoked like a chimney (Lucky Strikes and then the Camels) he passed away at 90. I thought my Gramps was wonderfully interesting....I remember sitting on the love seat in my Aunts house at Christmas, looking into the perfect fire burning in the fireplace, and him telling me how he lost his fingers. Various mishaps over the years of his life and I was fascinated by all the gross details ....I was about 6 or 7. :)

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