Arrest, Search, Seizure, Warrant Applying for a job...


New Member
I have read previous posts so I don't waste anyone's time, I hope I am not repeating my question. I was arrested for disordly conduct which the charges dropped after I was on differed deposition for a year with no further incidents. I have no other arrests. I am applying for a position at a local jail, and on the application I answered truthfully that I was arrested and listed what for and that it was dropped. Question is, will a arrest for disordly conduct that was dropped look bad for me applying for that type of position? (I know you all are not the employer or HR, just curious of the charge it's self and the position I am applying for) Thank you for your time.
As you noted yourself, we don't know what any individual employer might do or what type of job you are applying for at the jail. I don't believe it would be a definite denial on that history.
I was offered the deferred deposition by the prosecutor and did not need an attorney, but had I needed one I would have asked the question... How will this effect any future jobs I might apply for, that's really what I am looking for that response you would give a client if he/she asked.
I was offered the deferred deposition by the prosecutor and did not need an attorney, but had I needed one I would have asked the question... How will this effect any future jobs I might apply for, that's really what I am looking for that response you would give a client if he/she asked.

The answer is YES, any guilty plea, regardless of the type can impact your future.
In your case, YES, some employers might decide against hiring you because you have been convicted of a crime.
A deferred disposition is simply the court giving you another chance and a pass on the original charge at hand.
You do as agreed, the court dismisses the charge.
The arrest, the mugshots, and all the other stuff don't simply disappear, despite what you might think.
Only an acquittal of the charge could have done that.
You can always seek a full pardon at some future date, but be advised FULL PARDONS are rare, very rare!!!
The arrest itself won't likely hurt you too much. More important in this case is how long ago it occurred. I would assume that if this occurred within the last 5 years it may be too soon for a job at the jail. That said, it also depends what kind of job you are applying for.

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