Criminal Records, Expungement Applying for professional licensing exam

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Hi, I'm filling out my application to take the Maryland exam in October and theres one question that is getting to me...

It says "Have you ever been convicted in any State or Federal court a felony or of a misdemeanor directly related to the fitness and qualification to practice engineering? If so, please provide true test copy of the applicable court documents, if available"

What on earth is this supposed to mean? I"ve got a couple misdemeanors from my college years (Underage drinking, disorderly conduct) so I'm wondering do these apply in terms of being "directly related to the fitness and qualification to practice engineering". If so, what do I need to do and more importantly, am I screwed? How do I get true test copies of my court documents? One of my arrests is in Florida, so I hope you dont have to go in person. Let me know.
Were the arrests something which could bear on your fitness to be a licensed engineer? Disorderly conduct, public intoxication, even a DUI in the past wouldn't bear on your fitness to be an egineer. Crimes of moral turpitude, violence, bribery and the like could impact the public's trust in you.

I don't think your past behaviors would disqualify you. They aren't reportable.

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