"Approved" at Higher Rent, Disputed Then "Credit Not Good Enough" = Unapproved

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I went to see a handful of apartments with Manhattan Apartments, a real estate agency based in New York City. Of them I saw an apartment on 43rd and 9th avenue I loved. The list of apartments was made by Sara who co-works with Robin and have a lower agent named Briguitte who shows the apartments for them. Briguitte had told me it was $2100 for the 2 bedroom at that moment and we called Sara after seeing the apartments and I said I liked that the most but it was out of my range, she said she could get it for $1950. I said that I would give a good-will $200 to have it removed from the market while I apply and drew up a contract (twice) stating that the $200 was for that and upon approval of a $1950 rateand lease signing, it would be applied to the First Month/Security that was requested up front. This apartment was listed in the no-fee apartment section of Craigslist.com

I did not have a roommate lined up yet for the 4/1 move-in so to make sure we got the place my parents agreed to guarantor. My father and I both gave in applications, W2's, paystubs and letters of employment. My father further gave a copy of his tax return.

Monday 4/22 I received a voicemail (that I still have) stating that I was approved for the apartment for a rent for $2150 and that First/Last/Security would be required for move-in. I called back and said a lower rent was promised and that First/Security was all we agreed to but evidently the landlord preferred all three up front. It was going to be a 13-month lease (one month free) and since it was a "no fee" apartment that one month free would be collected and given to the realtor. The landlord would pay it out of pocket up front and had had people move out and not pay the last month's rent so therefore it came out of pocket and was not replaced.

This I understood and Manhattan Apartments even negotiated the fee down to $1600 and said I could do a payment plan + got the rent down to $2050 but Tuesday-Friday continually asked for more financial background on my parents saying that their credit was not good enough (my father's at a 675 and my mother's higher with a combined income of over 140k). Their last stitch effort last night was to request that I ask my grandfather to be guarantor because I had said he has perfect credit. I at first said this could be a last option but then pulled that from the table saying that this isn't a luxury building, we have good credit, I have income and employment and there is no reason the application shouldn't be approved.

I realized Thursday night before taking my grandfather out as an option that I had the voicemail of them saying I was approved on Monday at 3:26pm. I called their manager and said this and he said he would investigate it. I then received a call from Sara who frantically told me how it's ridiculous that I haven't been approved and that my parents credit is fine and that they're home-owners in the tri-state area so this shouldn't be an issue and that she'd fight with them today (Friday). This morning I received a call from Robin requesting my Grandfather's financial information to which I replied saying it was no longer an option. If the landlord had another applicant who was ready with a $2050 check today, willing to move within 5 days and has a better application that he should go for it but if not he could go screw.

She called back and said the only way the landlord would approve us would be if we would pay the entire year's rent up front. I brought up the fact that I was approved on Monday and asked what had changed other than the fact that the rent was higher than advertised. She said that the landlord simply "changed his mind" and that there were a lot of small details involved. I retorted that me telling my roommates and landlord that I was moving out are not small details to me but she said there would be no recourse.

Do I have any recourse in this situation? Also, the $200 goodwill should be returned but I think they want to apply that to the application's $100 credit check BUT my father reworked the contract and never signed/returned that portion and presumably my credit was never run as he was now the guarantor.

Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.
You have fallen victim to another CraigsList SCAM.

Never, ever, ever, ever do business through CraigsList.

Look at the perverts and sexual deviants that people discover on that site.

You should walk away from those people and consider the $200 tuition paid to learn a hard lesson.

Sure, you could sue them, but you have no case.

Pay the entire lease in advance, you'd be nuts to do that in this economy.

People go BK everyday.

Also, they now have a lot of financial information that could end up getting compromised.

You'd be wise to end this torturous endeavor immediately.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
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