Shoplifting, Larceny, Robbery, Theft are all police like this??

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Don't worry about it dude. If the agency is as small as you say it is then they likely don't have the money for DNA tests for a case like this. They probably just want to see if you will comply or not.
Either don't respond to the request or refuse it. If you are ever served with a search warrant compelling you to provide a DNA sample, or any kind of order to do anything else, then you should consider obtaining an attorney.
You have not been charged with anything. The fact that they asked you for a sample means that they don't have what they need to charge you.
Let it go... it should go away.
Is this cop just trying to mess with me? seems like he would have better things to do with his time.......and be more productive. I'm tired of being bullied by this dude!
He probably wants to determine whether you were the driver or not. I am not saying you are not telling the truth... but it is not uncommon for people to lie to the police to avoid consequences. He is just trying to put pieces together.
I don't know why he would have contacting your employer though... that concerns me.

Anyway- DNA tests are expensive, and I still doubt they would submit DNA for testing over this. He was probably just testing you to see your reaction. It is voluntary. You are not required to do anything.

If you feel you are being harassed over it, call and speak to his supervisor and they can determine whether they really need to pursue the matter or not.
At this point what would he get out of trying to prove i was driving? there was no field sobriety test, breathalizer test, or anything. he did'nt even take fingerprints from my truck. hell, he released my truck to the towing company a short while after finding it. if he was so damned concerned that I was driving should'nt he have done more to prove it?
I will definately refuse the dna test. I just feel like he will just keep harrassing me. I was a victim of theft and assault, but I will take that over being treated like a criminal any day.

Thanks for your advice........I really appriciate it.
The officer has called at least 4 more times asking for a voluntary dna sample, but on everybody's advice I have ignored these calls. I also put an attorney on retainer just in case. I think he is too busy trying to make it look like I was the driver to try and catch the real theifs. I believe he is doing this due to his sloppy initial investigation. what are your thoughts?
He's pressing you because, as I explained, your story runs contrary to the established paradigm. I would be thinking the same thing he is.

You do not have to get a DNA test, and I doubt he will get a court order for DNA on what is, effectively, a misdemeanor violation (making a false police report is a misdemeanor in my state - if it is a felony in your state, this might change things).

If there is no clue as to your attackers, there may be nothing else to go on.

Have you considered giving your DNA to exclude you as a suspect? If it is not you, and you give up your DNA, then that would certainly end that suspicion, wouldn't it? This is why many parents of kidnapped or murdered children voluntarily give up DNA and even take polygraph exams so that the police can turn their focus away from them.
It is also a misdemeanor in Texas. My attorney is still advising against it.....even though I feel that it would clear me as well. My attorney said, "this cop is crooked and don't give him anything."
Or, your attorney suspects what the cop does and is protecting your rights.

In the end, as long as they think you made it up, they are not going to look anywhere else. So, your assault and the auto theft shall go unsolved.
This was a mild incident compared to many. Sadly; given a position of power over helpless people, many police, military & corrections officers will abuse them to the extent possible. This is primarily due to lack of enough psychological intervention, supervision & peer pressure. The majority of law enforcement lack the PR skills and common sense to do their jobs correctly. These people are human and act as such. Additionally, overwhelming work assignments combined with the very nature of people they generally deal with is a contributor to their actions & inaction's.
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