Are there Copyright Issues with TV episode reviews on a website?

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I am designing a website with original content about a particular general subject. Among other things on the site will be a section where subject-related TV show episodes will be reviewed. It will be my original writing, obviously I will use the TV shows' titles and episode titles with a summary. Ads will appear on the site, I know there are a lot of sites out there like this. Are there copyright infringement issues I need to worry about?
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As long as you don't use photos or show the episode on the site, it's not an issue because you are reporting summaries of the show that you wrote.
thanks to and to you for responding,...
the only info I could find on the web was one case where a review was taken down by the show owners because the show hadn't been released yet officially. My other concern is if I give away the 'heart' of an episode that could violate fair use,...but I think you are right, as long as its 99% of my original writing and I don't use clips from the show, I should be okay.....
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