are there squatters rights in illinois and if so what are they

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New Member
If a person has lived in a house for 14 years and they have not paid any rent, but they have maintained and did all repairs and up keep on the house do they have any rights to the house?
If a person has lived in a house for 14 years and they have not paid any rent, but they have maintained and did all repairs and up keep on the house do they have any rights to the house?

Adverse possession, not squatters rights.

Adverse possession:

Adverse possession is the "open and hostile possession of land under claim of title to the exclusion of the true owner, which, if continued for the period prescribed by statute, ripens into an actual title."2 To establish title under the adverse possession doctrine in Illinois, a person must establish several elements. A party must prove that his or her possession of land was: continuous, hostile4 (3) actual, open, notorious and exclusive, and under claim of title inconsistent with that of the true owner for a period of 20 years.5 All five of these elements must have existed concurrently for the full 20-year period before the doctrine will apply.

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