Shoplifting, Larceny, Robbery, Theft Arizona, 18, shoplifted at (retail store)

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I got caught shoplifting at (retail store). Im 18 years old, and was with my 15 year old cousin. We walked out of the store, and the loss prevention worker came out and told us he needed us to
go back inside. We immediately gave him everything we stole. We each took around $140. Neither of us have gotten arrested or in trouble with law. I just turned 18 a month ago so i was scared and told him I was 17 because i didn't know if they would take me to jail. My dad came and got us, they called the cop and made a police report. I didn't give him my social or ID because they would know how old I was. I'm scared because I lied, didn't realise I would be going to court. Im about to call loss prevention and tell them I lied. What will happen?
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Keep your yapper shut.

You may have bigger problems than just shoplifting.
You could also be hit with criminal charges for conspiracy and for contributing to the delinquency of a minor.

It sounds as if you will eventually end up in court. Obtain a lawyer either before going or ask for one when you appear.

Do not talk to the police without speaking to a lawyer first. Do not call the store to offer to explain anything. Talking about this with anyone but a lawyer will only make things worse for you.

If you have a clear record then you might be able to minimize the damage, but I see reasons why they would make this sting a bit. You won't go to jail or anything, but you should expect hefty fines, probation, and community service work hours. This will also complicate your ability to get a job if you don't already have one.
You need to do NOTHING without speaking with an Attorney first you are facing much more than simple shoplifting! Consult an Attorney (or several) today! Many offer free consultations get as many as you can talk about your options ask about ACD or Diversion to protect your record. You might also remove store name from this post so its not used against you
Agree/concur with other responders - you need a lawyer.
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