Arrears payments versus Spouse getting married

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New Member
Hello all! First post here!!

So, I am court ordered to make alimony payments for four years (half the duration of the marriage) or until she remarries.

The four years will be up in February 2012. During the past three years I have missed a few payments that she has kept track of. She is getting married at the end of this month, but wants me to sign a document that says I will continue to make payments until the past missed payments are made up.

My question is: Do I have any legal obligation to pay the past missed payments? Or any legal obligation to sign this new document that her and her lawyer drafted up?

NOTE: Some of the missed payments are due to me being unemployed.

Thank you in advance!
You have no obligation to sign anything.

I suggest you consult with a local attorney about your options.

The initial consultation is free.

That way you can get specific answers to your issues.
One more thing, OP, I think they are setting YOU up to fund their honeymoon; if not the costs of their wedding.

Again, don't sign anything.

In fact, I'd tell them that you're consulting an attorney about this.

You expect to have an answer in two to three weeks.

Then, make sure you follow up and talk to a couple lawyers.

Their response should tell you many things!
Unless your decree/court order actually specifically addresses the issue, the arrears will remain even if she remarries.

Remarrying only ends the current obligation - it does NOT wipe monies owed for missed payments. She can, and likely will, take you back to court to file contempt for non-payment.

You really don't want to go there. You owe her the money - just pay and get on with your life. You don't want her, she's moved on and she could if she wanted to drag this out in court AND have you pay HER legal fees.
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