arrest on background check

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I am worried about an arrest that I had that was dismissed. I was never arrested before and a new police officer went way too far. I did nothing wrong and the judge agreed and the case was dismissed.does this show up on a background check.I worry about what companies think when they see even one black mark that should not even be there.
Whether it shows up or not depends on what is done as part of the background check. Court records in CA are public records and readily available. State criminal offender records are not so readily available.

And not all types of employment require the same type of background check.
As Betty aluded to, states (and some counties) vary widely as to what they report on background checks. At any rate most employers will only consider convictions, not arrests as a deal breaker. if you're still concerned run a background check on yourself after 6 months and see what's there.
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