Drug Crimes, Substance Abuse arrested for a crime i did not commit

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i have lost all faith in the justice system i do not even trust my own lawyer at the time of my arrest i was on probation for a dui/cocaine possesion on probation i was violated twice for dirty urine july 2006 i was sentenced to a working alcohol and drug program from july 2006-november2006 i became very involved in AA and was drug and alcohol free for 5 months i was just about to enter the graduate phase of my program and was a model client my life was great. on november 14 2006 i arrived at my monthly appointment for probation. a dective was wating at the probation office i was handcuffed and transported to bso station in pompano. i coperated since i new i had not commited any crimes , i had no idea what was happening but i felt confident this was a mistake. the dective started his interogation and i had to give him a time line of where i was november 13,2006 . i explained my whereabouts and the dective verified my time line, after several hours of interogation i was arrested for grand theft, fleeing and eluding with intent to injure the police whom were trying to aprehend the suspect crashed there veicle and the chase was called off and the suspect got away. how i became a suspect is the vehicles license plate that was involved in yhe chase belonged to an elderly man whom has the same lastname as me the decective assumed i was his son the dective went out with a photo line up and 2 pedestrines identified me as well as the police. i have not yet been charged by the state it has been 7 months i spent 2 months i jail the state prosecuters agrred to let me out of jail with a $10,000.00 bond and house arrest. while i was in jail the license plate appeared on another veichle the photo line up was done improperly i am in my 40s and every other person is in there 30s as well as me being cacausion and the other photos appeared spanish since being released i have taken a polygraph and passed the state still has not filed any charges my lawyer says weel we have all this proof of your innocencse the longer u stay under house arrest the better it looks but i am innocent this has turned my life upside dwn i need an opion
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