Arrested for harassment neighbors continues to harass

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My neighbor was arrested and plead guilty to charges of harassment and tendancy to be violent. First time offense. He was drunk and never stopped harassing me since he and his girlfriend moved in 5 months ago. I am ready to file more charges, my questions is can his landlord evict him now without issue for the landlord.
My neighbor was arrested and plead guilty to charges of harassment and tendancy to be violent. First time offense. He was drunk and never stopped harassing me since he and his girlfriend moved in 5 months ago. I am ready to file more charges, my questions is can his landlord evict him now without issue for the landlord.

His landlord could always try to evict him, if the landlord was so inclined to do so.

You can file charges, again, too.

But, is this how you want to waste your life, in a court room?

Maybe its time for you to move away from the trash that is infecting your neighborhood?
My neighbor was arrested and plead guilty to charges of harassment and tendancy to be violent. First time offense. He was drunk and never stopped harassing me since he and his girlfriend moved in 5 months ago. I am ready to file more charges, my questions is can his landlord evict him now without issue for the landlord.

Put it this way: The landlord doesn't have to do anything at all. Sure, he can try - but he'll have to pay close attention to both his lease and the legal requirements pertaining to eviction.
I'm with army judge - maybe it would be best if & when you can move, you do so. It's a shame you have to do that though.
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