I could be wrong, but I believe that Connecticut has 3 degrees of arson crimes and one reckless burning statute, which is a class D felony. A class D felony ranges from 1 to 5 years imprisionment and up to a $5,000 fine. Arson in the first degree is a class A felony, second is B, third is C. Class A may provide for imprisionment of 10-25 years and $20,000 fine, class B 1-20 years and $15,000 fine, class C 1-10 years and $10,000 fine. I'm assuming nobody was killed.
The statutes for arson and reckless burning in CT are in the CT Penal Code and are as follows and can look them up to verify the accuracy of the above.
53a-111 Arson in the First Degree
53a-112 Arson in the Second Degree
53a-113 Arson in the Third Degree
53a-114 Reckless Burning