As a landlord can I get out of this??

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New Member
I have a previous post, about my potential renter; I have offered to return her deposit (there is a dispute about whether lawn service was included). I have offered her the opportunity to receive her deposit back, but she doesn't seem to want it " and states, I don't even know if you can do that". We did sign a lease. She's threatened to report me to the BBB & Tenant landlord associations.

I don't think she included her last rental place on the application would that be enough cause to cancel this contract?? which was a summer rental

Thanks for any help, this is driving me crazy.
You two have a signed lease and unless the both of you agree to end this lease, legally it stands as a contract between you both. She really has done nothing to cause you to break the lease legally.

I wouldn't worry about the Better Business Bureau. They're really a pretty powerless organization.

If she does turn out to be what landlords call a PITA tenant and contacts you for all sorts of silly issues (and you have no reason to believe she will do this), you require that all requests for repairs that are considered non-emergency (i.e, not fire, flood or gas leaks) be sent in writing (via the post office, not emails) to your residence.

Thank you. That's an excellent idea about putting things in writing via mail not e-mail for any non emergency repairs.

I was thinking about the fact that is the lease or contract valid since we didn't have a meeting of the minds. She feels the rent included the lawn work we had the rent as rent for house appliances & garage.

Is there any other ways I, Landlord, can protect myself. This is the first time I'd ever run into this type of situation.
Of course the lease is valid. I'm assuming you both read it and signed it.

The fact that lawn care was inadvertantly left out of it does not invalidate the lease.

It's likely to be pretty much impossible to put every possible scenario that might come up between a tenant and landlord in a lease.

Thank you, I offered her the chance to break the lease as she was being so nasty, I thought she'd found something cheaper. She contends that since the ad didn't say Lawn Service is NOT included that it was. I sure misjudged this renter.

In regards to letting the tenant store some items in the garage I will post that question as I think I created a problem.
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