Asking for liability insurance

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My 70 year old mother received a letter from a law office asking her to provide her liability insurance information. A woman who attends a local senior center with my mother claims that she tripped over my mother's cane and broke her hip. It should be noted that the incident took place at the senior center; not in my mother's home. My mom is not sure if the woman tripped over her cane because she was getting up from the table that they were sitting at. My mom did apologize and offered to assist the woman with any bills. What should she do?
The lawyer who took that case is insane.

If your Mother has a homeowners insurance carrier, have her contact them (that's the insurance they are looking for). Let the claims adjusters handle it for her. I understand she was not at home when it happened but, *sometimes* homeowners insurance will cover certain things, in this case it's very doubtful.

This brings nuisance claims to a whole new level and that lawyer is the type that makes the rest of us look bad.

If it were me, I would have told the lady to watch where she was going.
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