asking support from an indonesian father for my illigitimate daughter

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Hi, I am Asian but not from Indonesia. I had an illigitimate daughter with an Indonesian who is now working and living in Indonesia. Is my 2 y/o daughter entitled to a financial support? She carries my family name but the father has signed the birth certificate and acknowledged my daughter to be his. The father is still unmarried.

Where do I go? Who can i talk to? The father of my baby is a doctor, is it wise to write the Indonesian Doctors Association or the hospital where he's doing his residency?

Thank you for the advice.
Where are you living now? You would have to file for child support with your local child support agency.

If he is in indonesia you might have trouble collecting any $$ from him. Unless that country is part of the Hague convention with the US (assuming you are in the US), an American CS order might not be enforced.

I am not sure what writing his hospital will do. He does not have to pay you anything unless you have an order of support. You might irritate him for mixing his personal life with his business.

If you want support, you need to apply for it through the proper channels.
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