Assault & Battery assault and battery

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I have an assault and battery charge from about 40 years ago in Ma and dont remember if was dismissed or what the out come was.I think maybe the judge gave me that deal where if I didnt get into any trouble for 6 months it would be dropped. Im now liveing in Fl. Ive had no record of any violence since then and have been thinking of applying for my concealed carry permit.How can I find out whether I have a felony or not?
thank you for the info I had a site online search the county where it took place and they said it didnt show anything but they only went back 10 years I have to get my finger prints done to send in with application which im sure will go to FBI Im not sure how to go about contacting the court where it took place
Assault and battery is typically a misdemeanor offense. Unless your incident included some significant injury or weapons it is unlikely you were charged with a felony.
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