Assault & Battery Assault charge


New Member
New Mexico
My question involves criminal law for the state of: New Mexico

On 11/20/2016 I was served at my home in Arizona for a simple assault charge out of the state of New Mexico from a few years prior. Upon attending a phone hearing and set a date for a non jury trial later in the year , the prosecutor filed a notice of dismissal (nolle prosequi). I've looked up the court records and it shows that dismissal on the same date . And then on the next line it shows motion for Continuance was filled the next day. This has now been over a year. Is it fully dismissed or are they planning to try it later. Just confused I guess . Thanks for answering
It's possible that the court ignored the motion because the case had already been dismissed and closed.

However, I agree that you should contact the court and make sure.

The online docket doesn't tell you everything.
It's really a "no brainer" man.Question,If the prosecutor filed motion for dismissal of the assault charge,and it's been over a year since,the case was dismissed,is the case closed,? the answer is,YES,now go in peace.

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