Assault & Battery Assault Charges pressing them in Ohio

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I am pressing assault charges aganist an ex boyfriend in ohio for strangling and hitting me as well as emotional and verbal abuse. I need more general information about assault in ohio. I want to oress charges the police took photos of my hands neck face and back also of thw clothes I was wearing they had blood on them. Made a statement am waiting on a report to be offically filed. So i can get a copy for a protective order. He was arrested after I pressed charges where the assault took place. He was released on a signature bond. I am now staying at a familymembers home out of town until I learn more. What can I do to make sure the fullest extent of punishment is given to him. What can I do to help that process and what is the fullest extent of which he can be punished.
Generally, you do not press charges. The state presses charges. They do so based on what they feel evidence will allow them to obtain conviction.
Surely Ohio has some domestic violence statutes that apply here. There should be no reason for you to have to wait for a protective order.
There is nothing for you to do as far as prosecution other than show up and testify when you are asked to. Everything else is far beyond your control.
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