Assaulted and being retaliated against (LONG)

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There is so much information but here are the basics. I am a EMT for non profit organization. Basically I have 2 bosses 1 is the EMS capt and one is a Supervisor. Being a woman as a EMT is hard to say the least and I am always hearing negative things about women, I have a pretty open mind so I can disreagrd some things BUT there are some that cross the line.

In September I was at a conference with the EMS capt and he was sending texts to my male partner back and forth and there was a recent statement going around work that my co worker found the EMS capt in a closet with another co worker. I guess that is what the texts involved and my co worker showed me a text where the Capt stated" Tell her she can bring ____ in the closet with her and me too just don't grab her tits" I had my partner fwd me that and saved it and then there was messages that I saved the same day of my Supervisor laughing about it and saying you should have did what ___ did and f your boss lol" Also stated they are just mad because they can't F you" You must understand there is absolutely no one to report this too since this non profit consists of all family of the Capt. Brothers at that.

Which brings me to November when I had a written warning for leaving 15 min after my relief was already there after I had mentioned that I did not like the way people talked around me. In the warning I wrote how unprofessional I felt that the warning was handled because when I came home the Capt was on the phone telling my husband what happened BEFORE I was notified. My husband was uncomfortable and told him to call me. The next day the Capt also went to my fire dept where I volunteer and he does too and was telling my partner and some other people what happened. I wrote that I felt it was concerning and inappropriate.

Which leads to the final straw beg of this month I went to a banquet for the company and afterwards the capt had a get together at his house. My husband and I went. My supervisor has a new young gf that in the past has told him she doesn't feel comfortable with him talking to me off work time and being around me. I have NO CLUE why if you saw supervsior and my husband you would know why this is laughable.

ANYWAY, we had some drinks and through the night my supervisor and his GF sat in a different place then my husband and I there was a young girl that is a member at where I wok that is known to cause trouble and came to me at the end of the night and stated that my Supervisors GF called me a whore. At that point I was in a good mood and laughed it off saying whatever, My husband wanted to leave and went to get the car as he was getting the car I went to walk past sup and his gf at which point the gf flew off the bar stool ran at me and punched me in my forehead. I was totally shocked and began crying my husband was back and in shock and they took me outside my Capt came out and said that I should not call the cops and everyone should go in and make up. I am in my 30's and from a professional background and I believe in justice my husband and I left and went to the police and I made a report. She was arrested the next day on assault. there was also a restraining order put in affect. I had to go to the ER the next day as well because I had a huge hematoma and scratch and had a headcahe that would not go away.

I was diagnosed with a concussion. The Sup sent me a text that night saying he had no idea what happened and he was sorry. The Capt called me the next day to come in when I stopped by with my baby in tow he was acting irate and told the secretary to come with him in the back room and he he wanted to "record" our conversation. I told him I thought I should talk to a lawyer and he laughed and said I should come back it won't take long. When he started recording me he told me that he was mad because on my face book the following day after the assault that I was saying negative things about his organization and that people thought the assault happened at place of employment when it was his house and he was mad because a friend told me I needed to look into getting covered under his home owners and he was very mad about that I told him I just wanted justice served for the girl that did this to me and I was sorry I put some things on facebook but everyone was, then he showed me a text message that I sent to 4 "friends" that wanted to see my face and I put a negative message stating this what happens when you go to a company event. At the end of talking to me he stated that he "likes" me and had no problems with me except that, and he told me that I should really think of dropping charges since she was a member and I worked there and there is a restraining order and it makes it hard for both of them and he said he thinks it was a "misunderstanding" I told him I would not be dropping the charges and left.

As soon as I left a medic friend of mine that has a office upstairs told me the Capt went up to her and was talking bad about me and saying that "did you know she was having a affair with another medic?" which is a lie. Just trying to make me look bad. That is what he has done to many women there in the past to the point that he tries to have sex with them and when they don't he starts harassing them, making things up about them ( lies) making life hard, taunting them. If you go against him you know it will be a battle. He makes you know that

After that I was still having headaches and feeling bad and then on top of that I started having panick attacks because I knew when I got back to work that they would make it hard on me. I was due to work for my next tour but was up crying and sick all night so I went to the DR and she said that the concussion was probably still lasting and gave me a note until Friday. The day after my DR appt the President of the company called me and I recorded him and basically he was asking what was going on and he heard alot of storied and heard I was not coming back when ironocally I just had a long text history with my supervisor minutes before telling him I would be back Friday and I would fax the DR note. The President said that the whole things was "ridicuolous" and he doesnt see why we can't be n the same room together. I have heard that they have "plans" for me when I get back and my mom is begging me not to go I have called a lawyer and waiting at the moment to hear from her.

Since this has occured I have 3 women that said that if I pursue anything legal they will be on board since they have suffered immensley as well all these are past employees or members.

I have lost 72 hours of pay, medical bills and a loss of spirit from this event. I will be asking for the loss of pay and medical. in the assault court date.

Then yesterday I have a call from my Capts Dr that he sees that also is a member of our FD yelling at me and saying he has from a good source that I called his wife a lesbian and that he is pursuing a attorney for slander against me. Ironically I was there a few months ago when my sup and the capt wasthere and they were gosiiping and asking if I thought she was and I said she looked like it but I had no clue. I think there is no coincidence who this "source" is. Anything tomake my life hell he will do.

If you made it to the end of this THANK YOU. Please give me any advice you have. Thanks!
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