Assaulted by Lowes employee at Lowes.


New Member
I was at a Lowes store in San Francisco checking out in the self checkout line and my receipt printed out wrong so the girl that came to fix it had major attitude the entire time and long story short words were traded and I told her to get away when she violently snatched the money from my hand and told me to get the F out, I then said get away from me you crazy bitch and she swung and hit my arm then hit me in the face with the next swing. Does being assaulted at Lowes by an employee give me a case worth contacting a lawyer for?? Thanks in advanced .
Do you have an injury? Did it require medical attention?
If not, then forget about it.
You could make a police report if you like, but witnesses and video surveillance might not completely support your own account of events. It may never go anywhere.

I'd suggest the best and most logical option is a complaint to the store about the employee.
I was at a Lowes store in San Francisco checking out in the self checkout line and my receipt printed out wrong so the girl that came to fix it had major attitude the entire time and long story short words were traded and I told her to get away when she violently snatched the money from my hand and told me to get the F out, I then said get away from me you crazy bitch and she swung and hit my arm then hit me in the face with the next swing. Does being assaulted at Lowes by an employee give me a case worth contacting a lawyer for?? Thanks in advanced .

The time to have been concerned has passed.
You sound like quite the upstanding citizen. Your story seems way beyond odd, but feel free to provide more details, or better yet, consult with a local attorney who perhaps can understand the situation better.
Does being assaulted at [a store] by an employee give me a case worth contacting a lawyer for?

I don't know. What's worth it to you might not be worth it to me (or vice versa).

It certainly sounds like you'd win if you were to sue the employee, but did you suffer any appreciable damages? You said you got hit in the arm and the face. What happened as a result? A couple bruises? Maybe a small cut? Any medical bills? Any lost wages? My guess is that you could get a judgment against the employee for nominal damages and a small amount of punitive damages (my guess is no more than a few thousand $$). Of course, just because you get a judgment doesn't mean you can collect. I assume the employee was fired such that she no longer has income. Right? Maybe she was even arrested. You called the police about this. Right?

You weren't thinking you might have a viable case against the store, were you?
Thanks for everybody's replies. To Zzdooda, I was thinking I may have something on the store but I'm over it. It's going to be more trouble than its worth. I didn't call the police because of the above reason. More trouble than its worth. I do believe that little hood rat was fired so I'm happy with that. Thanks again.
I was thinking I may have something on the store

As a general rule, an employer is vicariously liable for its employees' negligence, but an employer is not generally liable for intentional misconduct committed by its employees. Unless you could prove that the employee had a history of attacking customers and the store failed to take action to prevent further such attacks, there's no legal basis for any claim against the store.

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