Assaulted by my employer

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yesterday i was assaulted and knocked unconscious from a blow my employer swung at me as i was trying to walk away and quit~my employer, brothers,are well known for their bursts of violence and the one who hit me just recently completed prison time for 1st degree assault with a deadly weapon~over the last 6 months working for them, i have seen them often lose their cool throwing power tools, spinning tires, and punching things as well as learning of their violent past, but i never thought it would come in my direction due to how hard i worked and the compliment i often received~just last thursday, the guy who hit me yesterday, gave me some nice furniture, having too much stuff moving into his new $300,000 home~i have never been reprimanded or been in any dispute with them at all, and i have the best attendance of all the workers~yesterday morning they were both in a "Mr Hyde" (Dr. Jeckle)state frustrated over scheduling problems or whatever~its clearly visible these moods~well they thought a co-worker had said something "smart" in a reply and charged over to him and began beating him badly~the threat of violence has been a strong concern in terms of my safety lately because i have seen them have these outbursts at anyone thats merely just close by and not a true part of their formulated anger(innocent bystander)~well i dropped my head because of the terrible sick nature i was witnessing and began walking towards my truck to quit and leave and they pursued me saying "oh Joey, you got something smart to say???"i told them no that i just wanted to go~brother #2 pushed me several times and i turned away almost at my truck and thats when brother #2 struck me in the neck from behind knocking me to the street~i 'came to' moments later and saw them further beating this other guy, made it to my truck and drove myself to the ER~nothing broken,but i have a swollen kneck, back of my head swelling from what the doctor said looked like where he kicked me while i was unconscious on the ground and a bloody knee from the impact of falling as well as bruising around my hip too from falling~i had the police come and filed a report and i am signing a warrant in the morning due to the magistrate not being available(i dont think thats right)the officer taking the report tried his best to get me to blow the incident off and minimize the gravity of it all~i feel shafted so bad~ ~now i dont have a job, hurt and sore~this saddens me so bad because of how hard i have worked for these people and even yesterday morning before i was hit they had had conversation with me that didnt contain ANY ill feelings~its commonly known brother #1 has these episodes of "snapping" and brother #2's aggression comes purely from his steroid use~i never said anything or did anything remotely to warrant being knocked out~best i can think is they were mad i was quiting and were not going to let me get away~i have witnesses,(2-3), but they are so afraid of the possible retaliation, they are ignoring me and won't speak about it~these guys i work for are employed by a real estate guy thats well aware of how they are since they are all buddies~do i have a case? where do i go?who do i see?,thanks, bluesman21
Step one: Report the crime to the police! Today!! be sure to sign a release allowing them ALL access to medical records concerning the incident, and also provide them with the name and any contact information of any potential witnesses.

On Monday consult with a personal injury attorney and see if he has any advice regarding a claim against your attacker(s). You will likely have to wait for the police to finish doing their thing before you can sue these guys, but ya never know.

- Carl
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