AT&T Charging $ for NO services rendered

Natalie Weis

New Member
Hello- thank you for taking the time for answering my question as I am desperate in trying to find justice regarding AT&T's lack of service provided.

It's a long story, but I will try to make it short: an AT&T rep approached me at a Target to switch from our current carrier (T-Mobile) to them, because right now they have amazing deals.

He got my drivers license, social security #, name and email to set up a new account and said that our monthly bill will be $100+tax for 5 lines and our SIM cards will be coming in the mail, and when they do to follow the activation instructions and boom, we're done and in.

I did that when they came, and immediately after I put the SIM card into my phone, I called the phone number for AT&T to activate, and when i said "yes" to activate, I immediately I lost all access to my phone. I couldn't even get into screen. This started a cascade of events that lasted two days (without anyone in my family having a phone; my kids, mother and husband who owns his own business).

Bottom line, I spent a total of 18 hrs. speaking with 8 different AT&T 'customer service reps and managers', and no one could find my right information, my account and name were not set up correctly, no one would help me get a simple 4 digit code so I could transfer my name and service back to T-Mobile and whenever I asked for their employee ID#'s (including the manager) they would hang up on me. I can't tell you how many times I have gotten hung up on, and when I asked for he recordings of our calls, they said they couldn't do that.

Finally, I the people at T-Mobile helped me and we got the transfer pin, called AT&T, and got my service back to T-Mobile WITHOUT EVER USING OR BEGINNING service with AT&T. Not one phone call was made, I was guaranteed by their people I spoke with and the gentlemen who started this whole deal, that there is absolutely NO activation fees or anything, and the woman on the phone stated my account is closed bc my numbers are transferred out.

Now, I get a bill from AT&T that states they withdrew $336.55 because they still have banking information on file for services!!! I HAVE HAD NO SERVICES from them! Period. Nothing. Not one phone call, and even when I called to activate my SIM card and account, that only lasted literally 22 hrs! I have been lied to, my information is being used with no services rendered, and when I called to figure out what is going on, they said they can't give me any information because all the information I gave them to access my account (the last 4 digits of my social # and my security code and my full name) is not coming up on their end! So, they told me I need to go to an actual retailer now.

I am beyond mad and frustrated because this was already so stressful, and now they're taking money from me and they know they are not giving me any services. Can I sue them for this if they refuse to give me money back? I want to go after them full force because I know this has happened to many other people and I am done with these companies and people screwing people over!
Can I sue them for this if they refuse to give me money back?

Yes, you could initiate a small claims lawsuit.

However, before you go that route, visit a local, corporate owned location, not a franchisee.

In fact, you could probably call the location in advance and arrange an appointment with a manager or assistant manager regarding a recent billing issue.

Bottom line, once you meet with the manager (assistant manager), you can lay out your grievances and I'm almost certain within 5 minutes your issue will be resolved and the money will be flowing back into your bank account.

If you work this issue properly, look pathetic and sad, plead for help; the manager will respond accordingly.

Mistakes are made because we're human beings.

However, most human beings when approached with courtesy and civility will work to rectify these kinds of business errors!!!

Good luck....
Now, I get a bill from AT&T that states they withdrew $336.55 because they still have banking information on file for services!!!
And that is why you don't signup for automatic payments from your bank account. Credit card payments: at least you get a chance to claw back the payment.

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